
Canabiseeds Quality Cannabis Seeds

Canabiseeds es capaz de ofrecer una calidad feminizadas, autoflorecientes, regular y semillas médicos a precios asequibles en toda la mayoría de los países europeos.

Nuestras semillas han ganado muchos premios en los últimos años, incluyendo la Copa Highlife conocido y la High Times Cannabis Cup. Decidimos que era el momento de compartir nuestra competencia en las semillas de cannabis cada vez mayor entre los principiantes como para expertos.

Canabiseeds es un banco de semillas de cáñamo vendiendo la mejor selección de semillas de cannabis Sativa e Indica en todo el mundo desde nuestra propia y de otros bancos de semillas.

Canabiseeds responder a usted de una manera personalizada. Canabiseeds siempre garantiza la seguridad de sus transacciones, privacidad envío y resolver cualquier incidencia que pueda surgir.

Hobby Grow
Fabra i Puig 70 2o 1a
08030 Barcelona

Name or company name : HobbyGrow S.L.U.

Address : Fabra i Puig 70 2o 1a 08030 Barcelona, Espana

Email :

Datos Empresa : 11/3/2014

NIF : B66247917

  1. Content and links on the Web: are not responsible for the misuse given to the contents of our website is the sole responsibility of the person accessing them.
  2. Exchange and dissemination of information: disclaims any liability arising from the exchange of information between users through its website. Especially we are not responsible for the use which minors may make of it if the content they access could hurt the sensitivity of them .
  3. Updating and modifying the website reserves the right to update, modify or delete information contained on its website , and the configuration or presentation, at any time, without notice and without assuming any responsibility for it.
  4. Technical points not assume any liability that may arise from technical problems or malfunctions in computer equipment not attributable to the company , which occur during connection to the Internet , as well as damage that may be caused by another through illegal beyond the control of
  5. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction On general , relations with our customers arising from the provision of the services contained on our website are subject to Spanish law and jurisdiction.

Términos de servicio



Hobbygrow SLU

  • Hobbygrow
  • Avenida de los Alpes 48
  • 08940 CORNELLA
  • +34 935 21 63 55
  • +34 662 135 142

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