Kabrales AutoKabrales Auto

Kabrales Auto

Kabrales Auto retains the powerful cheesy smell and is named after a famous Spanish cheese.
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Sales price 16,90 €
Sales price without tax 15,36 €
Base price 15,36 €
Base price for variant 15,36 €
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Tax amount 1,54 €
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  • Description
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Kabrales Auto retains the powerful cheesy smell and is named after a famous Spanish cheese.

Kabrales Auto

Kabrales is skunk variety related from inbreeding the Cheese phenotype.

It is strong, durable and easy to grow both indoors and outdoors.

It has a good resistance to cold and damp and will still grow strong and produce healthy yields.

Kabrales Auto retains the powerful cheesy smell and is named after a famous Spanish cheese.

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  • Plaça de la Pau s/n, Edificio 3 Planta 3
  • 08940 – Cornella
  • Barcelona
  • Spain
  • info@canabiseeds.com
  • +34 93 626 1114
  • +34 662 135 142