Honey Peach Auto CBDHoney Peach Auto CBD

Honey Peach Auto CBD

Honey Peach Auto CBD shows a mainly Indica structure with long and resistant side branches that emerge out of a strong stem.
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Sales price 24,00 €
Sales price without tax 21,82 €
Base price 21,82 €
Base price for variant 21,82 €
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Tax amount 2,18 €
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Honey Peach Auto CBD shows a mainly Indica structure with long and resistant side branches that emerge out of a strong stem.

Honey Peach Auto CBD

5th Generation autoflowering strain featuring high levels of Cannabidiol (CBD).

This strain is the result of the cross between a selection of our best autoflowering strains with sweet and fruity aromas and a photoperiod-dependent clone rich in CBD.

The THC:CBD ratio of this CBD-rich strain stands between 1:1 and 1:1,5. CBD-rich autoflowering strain with exceptional organoleptic qualities (taste and aroma).

Sweet and fruity scents, with peach tones, complemented with a touch of lemon and cypress.

The flowering time of this strain is very short and the plants are ready to harvest only 8 weeks after the germination of the seeds.

The plants produce hard and compact buds with abundant resin.

Honey Peach Auto CBD shows a mainly Indica structure with long and resistant side branches that emerge out of a strong stem.

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  • Plaça de la Pau s/n, Edificio 3 Planta 3
  • 08940 – Cornella
  • Barcelona
  • Spain
  • info@canabiseeds.com
  • +34 93 626 1114
  • +34 662 135 142