Το Morpheus είναι μία μη-αυτοματοποιημένη ποικιλία που δικαιώνει τον μύθο “στην αγκαλιά του Μορφέα”, θεό των Ονείρων, καθώς θα σας βυθίσει σε μια ψυχική περιήγηση διατηρώντας ταυτόχρονα τη διαύγειά σας.
Buddha Tangie Auto Buddha Seeds team has obtained an excellent final result in terpenes, very well adapted to current consumer demands. Buddha Tangie also puts a smile on the face of those who taste it.
Buddha AK This variety dates back to the 70s, when its incredible power set a benchmark into the cannabis industry; very few crosses, to this day, have managed to equal and or even less, exceed it.
Buddha Critical Critical's story is reminiscent to a historical tale of great kings. And it's no wonder! Its genetics has ascendants of great value who have influenced later commercial varieties.
Buddha Amnesia With regard to flavors and aromas, its incredible incense stands out significantly. As if you are in a cathedral, this variety will fill the room and your senses with its aroma.
Buddha Skunk Skunk is one of the most recognized hybrids by growers. This commercial fame has been earned, in part, by its correct nomenclature since Skunk specimens exude a very characteristic sweet aroma.
Buddha Diesel Como resultado de nuestro programa de cría, con Buddha Diesel de Buddha Seeds hemos aumentado y estabilizado la producción hasta límites insospechados en una variedad que carecía de ella.
Buddha Auto Cookie Buddha Cookie, an indica genetic ready to win you over from the first puff with its delicious aroma of chocolate and freshly baked cookie.
Gorila Auto Gorila by Buddha Seeds is a tremendously "animal" strain, in both production and effect. Be careful with this stallion because he doesn´t play. Just a few puffs will be enough to leave you stuck on the couch. Its high THC content in the purest style of American genetics will leave you KO in the first “round”.
Buddha Gelato The appearance of Buddha Gelato during the flowering stage is cosmic; the amount of trichomes that cover her appear to be a sky full of stars. Such resin production is inevitable: take advantage of it for extractions (dry/ice).